An affiliate of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
St. Thomas is a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, a worldwide Christian Church that is active in spreading the Gospel through biblical preaching, loving service, Christian schools, and creative mission. The Latin phrases on the Synod seal are the themes of the Lutheran Reformation: “Scripture alone, grace alone, faith alone” and “Jesus Christ is Lord.”

Michigan District, LCMS
We are members of the Michigan District of the LCMS. More information on this District can be found here:

Concordia University
We are also proud to support Concordia University, Ann Arbor, an LCMS University located in Ann Arbor, MI near the Geddes Rd Exit off from US-23. Please visit their website:
Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML)

The Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) is recognized as the official women's auxiliary organization of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. The LWML (also known as Lutheran Women in Mission) is comprised of member societies within synodical congregations. The purpose of the LWML is to further Christ's mission to the world by supporting the work of the church and by providing education, inspiration, and opportunities for service, both at home and in the world. The LWML endeavors to develop and maintain a greater mission consciousness among the women of the synod through programs of Mission Inspiration, Mission Education, and Mission Service. More information can be found here: